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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blog in Transition

Maintaining a fully functioning sim is hard work, but when it brings in no money it gets expensive. In September 2008, I had to shut down my sim and withdraw from Second Life.

I am venturing back in-world now. I still have a passion for Second Life art and so I am transitioning my blog from featuring on my own museum and art gallery to featuring other peoples art galleries and the artwork displayed therein.

The plan for this blog is to review artwork on display introducing newbies to old artiste's as well as new artiste's.

With this journey in mind, I have changed my blog and updated the style, taking out pictures and links to give it a new look. I will be blogging at least one article a day, which means that some lucky person in Second Life will be featured here!

I will also featuring other blogs related to the art world in Second Life. All comments will be moderated by me and promptly posted!

This will be a fun journey, I hope you will travel it with me.

Atlantis Jewell
Former Curator of Elven Enchantment Museum and Art Gallery

1 comment:

  1. hey your blog design is very nice, clean and fresh and with updated content, make people feel peace and I always like browsing your site.

    - Thomas
