Free Internet

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Elven Enchantment on Technorati

The Museum's Blog had been registered with a Blog statistical site called Technorati. This site keeps track of popularity of blogs. Currenty the Museum's Blog is rated at a little over 2.2 million in the rankings!

So this is what you can do for me... put my blog on your blog, and I will link to your blog! This way our rankings rise and we become an authority on Technorati! This is an exciting way of getting the Real World and non-Second Lifers to read about our Museum and hopefully encourage people to enter Second Life and visit the Museum!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Expert Author at

It is a very exciting day for Elven Enchantment Museum and Art Gallery as yours truly has obtain Expert Author at I am happy to inform you that in the Real World over 1,000 people have read articles on Elven Enchantment Museum and Art Gallery!

On the right of your screen you will find a new logo and its a link to, once there be sure to search for Atlantis Jewell and you will find all my musings and ramblings!!

Grins a sly Elven smirk at you... "You just might find yourself featured there!" Enjoy!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Ball

There is a Valentines Ball at Elven Enchantment Museum and Art Gallery tonight at 5 p.m., until 7:00 p.m., SLT on Sunday, February 17, Best in Red for girls and guys! Bring your sweethearts and dance your night away.

DJ Annie Lane providing romantic music for the entire night!! See you there!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Welcoming Eden Cale to Elven Enchantment

I wish to welcome Eden Cale to the Elven Enchantment Family of Artiste's. He is a RL digital painter, whose works have been on display on the First Level of the Museum for the last month along with "Beauty in Bondage" Series and the new Drathon Montague's.

Mr. Cale is a talented digital painter whose work is quality and unique, a hallmark of Elven Artiste's. He owns his own studio in SL called Visions of Eden. He will be exhibiting during the month of February, and the Patrons, Artiste, Group Member night is next week Sunday, February 10, 5-6 p.m., SLT at the Museum on the new Third Level, which is now the Exhibition Level of the Museum.

Opening night is Monday, February 11 at 5:00 p.m., SLT!!

The Museum's pick for this exhibition is "Lighthouse" and will be available for purchase from the Art Gallery on the Fourth Level of the Museum which now has a floor of its own too!

This will be an exciting exhibition as you can view the new changes at the entrance of the Museum and on the Fourth Level!

Welcome Mr. Cale and Patrons, Artiste's, and Group Members this exhibition is not to be missed!

Digital Knight Scripted Art Studio Has a New Home

Digital Knight Scripted Art Studio has a new home, the land at the Odessa Astounding was sold and Digital Knight had to find a new home and with the help of Biggy Harvey the new landowner of Odessa Astounding land, we found one spot at Horizons Retail Zone, Horizons WEST (102, 140, 21).

This is a new retail area and has a lovely shopping area so come on over see the new site and shop in our shopping district for art, furniture, clothing, and there is a BDSM Resort nearby and a shopping mall. Enjoy!!

More Changes at Elven Enchantment Museum and Art Gallery

More changes have come to Elven Enchantment! The entrance signs have been renovated and redone. The company that volunteered to do this project was Exquisite Furnishings, which is a new furniture business in SL. The owner is a Patron of the Museum and Papo Lungu kindly consented to redesign the Museum's new signs. You will see his golden, signature seal on the ends of these signs.

The gazebo has been moved from the right side of the museum to the far left end of the Museum, if you stand on the bridge, on or next to the daydream poseballs and look straight down the gazebo is now nestled at of the end of the crunchy snow and between the winter trees. Remember that there is one set of dancing poseballs here so bring your sweetie and dance in a very romantic setting.

The Museum has also under gone a redo of the front facade correcting some noobie building errors of mine...and making the "lines" virtually disappear. It was always my goal to put a roof on the museum, however, this has not happened until now...the fourth floor now has a smoked, ninety degree glass roof, so if your fond of flying over the wall to see the Gallery beware that this is no longer possible!!

A huge thanks goes to Mr. Lungu of Exquisite Furnishing who not only donated his time and materials for the signs, but also designed the "peak" glass enclosing the fourth floor entirely in a glass roof.

Another big thank you goes to Marrissa Lafabvre who helped with some of the original floor design and helped again in the raising of the fourth level by giving me permission to modify her objects for this endeavor.