I wish to welcome Eden Cale to the Elven Enchantment Family of Artiste's. He is a RL digital painter, whose works have been on display on the First Level of the Museum for the last month along with "Beauty in Bondage" Series and the new Drathon Montague's.
Mr. Cale is a talented digital painter whose work is quality and unique, a hallmark of Elven Artiste's. He owns his own studio in SL called Visions of Eden. He will be exhibiting during the month of February, and the Patrons, Artiste, Group Member night is next week Sunday, February 10, 5-6 p.m., SLT at the Museum on the new Third Level, which is now the Exhibition Level of the Museum.
Opening night is Monday, February 11 at 5:00 p.m., SLT!!
The Museum's pick for this exhibition is "Lighthouse" and will be available for purchase from the Art Gallery on the Fourth Level of the Museum which now has a floor of its own too!
This will be an exciting exhibition as you can view the new changes at the entrance of the Museum and on the Fourth Level!
Welcome Mr. Cale and Patrons, Artiste's, and Group Members this exhibition is not to be missed!